Typical heritage elements
So, how can you recognise a charming village? With your heart! Beyond the historical aspect of Flemish heritage, cultural emotion is placed at the forefront… It is not only the stone that you can admire, but also the labour and the men who dedicated their lives and their talent. Each village has a soul, a history, and there is no shortage of these charming villages in Flanders, quite the opposite. They enhance the tourist attractiveness of our region.
The Charming Villages are an example of Flemish style, but they are also the protectors and guides of this style.

Enthusiastic village guides
To make the wealth of historic and cultural heritage in Flanders accessible, passionate volunteer guides give up their time to preserve and protect the heritage of their village. They conduct actions in favour of the quality of life and environmental preservation of their village. They strive to share their villages with you. To tell you their stories. To share their secrets. The village guides will take you to discover their villages. What destiny was sheltered by the walls of this building? Which local recipe is made here? Which historical event struck this road? Dominique, Martial or Lionel and many others are here to explain everything to you. Let yourselves be guided!